John 18:12-27: Peter makes an epic fail and Jesus restores the relationship. Our way to greatness is by growing closer to Jesus.
The Sword and the Cup
John: Walking with Jesus
John 18:1-11: Jesus calls us to take the cup, and lay down the sword. For sacrifice, suffering, security, and satisfaction.
Prayer For the Pilgrimage
Reading: John 17v.1-26
Jesus Has Overcome the World
Reading: John 16v.16-33
Fragrance of the Invisible
Guest Sermon by Adrian Crawford
Why Hate Christians
Reading: John 15:18 - 16:4
Friendship With Jesus
Reading: John 15:12-17 by Megan Cowin
Peace No One Else Has
John 14:15-31 read by Jon Ceaderleaf
If you love me you will keep my commandments.
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
John 14:1-14, read by Jessica Massoni
In the midst of the storms of life, the craziness, the troubles, God offers us Himself.
Loving Like God
John 13:31-38, read by Dave Easedale
Washing Feet
John 13:1-30, read by Connor Rogers
Belief and Light
John 12:44-50, read by Nathan Walker
Now Is My Soul Troubled
Reading: John 12v23-37 by Kaycie Crane
What is Worship? (Part 2)
Sermon by Ben Tissell.
Passage: John 12v 9-26
What is Worship? (Part 1)
Reading: John 12:1-8
The Kingdom You Never Asked For
Reading: John 11:45-57 by Kaycie Crane
Opening the Tomb
Reading: John 11:28-44
What is God Doing?
What is God Doing?
Scripture reading: John 10:22-42
I Am
John - Walking with Jesus
Scripture Reading: John 8:48-59