In this two-part lecture, Dr. Greg Mitchell teaches on how leaders can manage anxiety, lead relationally, and love others well.
Fearless Parenting
In this two-part seminar, Dr. Greg Mitchell teaches us how to parent without fear and how good parenting is about so much more than just applying the best ‘tips and tricks’ out there.
Unity and the Gift of Tongues
Dr. Greg Mitchell, lead pastor of Every Nation Vancouver, teaches on the key to Christian unity and speaking in the spiritual language of ‘tongues.’
You Belong
Reading from John 8:38-47.
Jesus continues an ongoing religious debate, and hones in on the larger issue: To whom do you belong?
In Jesus, you DO belong.
Finding Hope
He is risen!
To whom do you look to find hope in this life?
Jesus Embraces the Sinner
Reading from John 8:1-11, read by Matt Saylor
How does Jesus deal with sinners? He sits down in the dirt with them, and embraces them.
Worship at the Throne in the Overlap
Guest speaker - Pastor Seth Trimmer.
Scripture reading: Revelation 3:14-20
"I stand at the door and knock." - Jesus
Opening the door brings us to worship at the throne in the overlap.
The Big Hurt and Better Hope
Scripture reading John 7v1-24. Read by Megan Cowin.
I Am the Bread of Life
Where do you get your satisfaction from? Reading: John 6:22-49 by Dave Easdale.
God In The Dark
Reading from John 6:16-21. Read by John Williamson.
Grow As You Go
Guest Speaker: Heather Heck
Grow As You Go: Called, Cut, Compelled.
John 15:1-5
Jesus: Do You Trust Me?
Jesus tested his disciples, and poses the same test to us in a question: When faced with the difficult and seemingly impossible situations in life, Jesus is enough. Do you believe that? Do you trust Him?
Reading from John 4:1-15. Read by Josh Knapp.
Refuse To Believe?
Why do we struggle to believe? How do we believe more fully? John 5:30-47, read by Hannah Howie.
Abide Pt. 6
What is God’s vision? What is the devil’s scheme? Reading from John 17:4-15.
Abide Pt. 5
What does it mean to abide in the vine? What “vine” are you abiding in now?
Reading from John 15:1-11.
Abide Pt. 4
Who do you say I am, Jesus? Reading from John 8:23-36.
Abide Pt. 3
Reading from John 6:53-67.
Abide Pt. 2
What do you hear when you listen to the voice of God? Is it just condemnation? Reading is John 5:19-29.
Abide Pt. 1
How do we abide in God? How does Jesus abide with us? Reading from John 1:1-18.
Reenacting Grace
Grace leads to generosity. Reading is from 2 Corinthians 8:1-11.