Although entrusting your life and eternal wellbeing to God is a deeply personal decision, it's not necessarily a private one. In fact, the bible tells us that when a single person is adopted into the family God, all of heaven erupts in joy. As the angels look on, and as our Heavenly Father himself rejoices, it’s like a big family celebration.

Baptism is a bit like that, like a son or daughter coming home, or a new child coming into the world. It is indeed a deeply personal moment. But as soon as that little one comes out of the birthing room, the whole gang's there - aunties, uncles, cousins and all - waiting to celebrate the miracle of new life. It's altogether one of the most meaningful and joyous moments in the life of any believer, as well as for the church itself.

We were buried therefore with Him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. - Romans 6:4

Jesus' death on the cross for us was God's promise kept to the world he so loves. Our dying to our old self and being raised up with Jesus in the waters of baptism is our 'yes please, and thank you!' in response to His love. Getting baptized is an embodied expression of surrender, of turning away from sin and self-centeredness to receiving God’s forgiveness and love and hope and new life. It’s an acknowledgement that apart from Christ’s death for me, I’ll never know what it means to be fully alive - to live as a fully loved, fully forgiven, fully secure child of God.

Of course, it's not the physical act of baptism that makes the experience so meaningful. (1 Peter 3:18-22) Baptism is an appeal to God, a step of faith, an act of obedience, as we declare our total surrender to and complete trust in Jesus, for life today and eternity to come.

If you'd like to talk with someone more in-depth (perhaps you were baptized as an infant and have questions about that?) Or if you simply desire to get baptized as soon as possible, then get in touch, and we’ll figure it out.