The church is a community on God's mission together. An ekklesia is a smaller expression of this idea. It consists of about 10-20 people in all stages of life, who gather over a meal to get to know each other a bit more, and together, learn how to love God and participate in his great mission to bring New Life to Portland and the world abroad.
Our November ekklesias will be hosted at:
The Bardone's home in St. John's
9328 N. Richmond Ave., Portland 97203
Casey, Kate, and Raquel's home in NE Portland
1600 NE 66th Ave., Apt# 216, Portland 97213
Colin's house in SW Portland
7820 SW Linden Rd., Portland, OR 97225
As we're only officially running ekklesias once a month during Grace City's launch season in Portland, we encourage you for now to simply check out the ekklesia nearest you. Ekklesias will run no longer than a hour-and-half. The meal will be potluck-stye, so bring a little something to share. And as always, anyone is welcome!